Residental Computer Repair and Support


Save Time, Money, and Stress with North Peak IT

Lightning Speed

We know exactly how to get the most out of your technology. We make your computers and other devices work fast so you don’t get slowed down again.

Local and Remote Support

With our remote support option, we can provide that local Alaskan support no matter where you are.

Fine Tuning

We can make even the most difficult computer run well. We know how to fine tune any Mac or PC to make it run smoothly.

Bold Security

Real Time Virus and Spyware Protection plus Online Backup Protection, we do everything possible to keep your data safe

Our Features

Why Should You Use North Peak IT For Your Business?


Don’t Take Our Word For It, Just Ask Our Customers

Flexible Pricing Plans

We have the right plan to fit your needs.



Flat Rate Support
No Hidden Fees
Fast Support
It’s That Simple




20% off tech support and repair
Computer Health Monitoring
Antivirus and Antispyware protection
Online Backup Protection
Weekly Computer Tune Ups



Unlimited Tech Support and Repair
Unlimited tech support and repair
Computer Health Monitoring
Antivirus and Antispyware protection
Online Backup Protection
Weekly Computer Tune Ups
Windows Update Management

From Wasilla to Anchorage and beyoond, we offer the best tech support.

Local Support

We offer fast and local support. We offer personalized on site support and fast remote service from our Palmer office. We can come to your office quickly to resolve you issue FAST. All without having to deal with out of state or out of country techs.

Get Started!